About us

PASSION4 has the ambition to create a new paradigm for the management of young talents, initially in the world of Golf and Tennis, through an innovative model that enhances the player as a person even before being an athlete, through a work plan and long-term development.

The company has three strategic partnerships with three different realities that will bring their know-how to benefit the talents and the mission of PASSION4.


Sport Mental Coaching

Mental preparation in the world of sports is, today, a real necessity. It’s quite strange to think that, in the world of sports, so careful of every little detail, most athletes don’t know what it means to train their minds.

Lorenzo Marconi is a performance coach of great sports champions. Thanks to his experience, he will help athletes to maximize their performances, even in situations of difficult emotional management and will help them in the path of growth that is always full of unexpected events and obstacles to overcome.

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Equity Crowdfunding

The Best Equity S.r.l. is a crowdfunding company whose objective is to select the most innovative and interesting growth projects and then put them in contact with those who may be interested in believing and investing in them. Strengthened by their experience with the Pordenone 2020 project, they have combined equity crowdfunding with the world of sport.

Through their platform, this strategic partnership will help PASSION4 to finance the growth path of the selected talents.

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Management of Athletes’ Image Rights

DAO is the leading independent Italian company in sports marketing. Thanks to the expertise of its management, it has a track record of important results and is able to accompany its athletes at all stages of their careers always ensuring the best exploitation of their image.

DAO also ensures to bring the Clients in a journey in sport with high return on investment both in Italy and worldwide.

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